New to GRACE Church?

Service Times

Sundays at 8:00 AM + 10:30 AM
Sunday School at 9:30 AM

What To Expect

Church can be an intimidating place to visit — especially if you don’t know what to expect. We invite you to experience what the gospel means both intellectually and relationally at one of our Sunday worship services. You can engage with others as much as you want, or remain anonymous if you prefer. We hope that through visiting with us, you will experience the hope, love and joy that comes from a community of people who love Jesus. 

God glorifying worship

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16 (ESV)
At Grace Church, worship is central to everything. Worship means learning to recognize God’s goodness and glory in order to delight in Him. It means purposing together, as individuals and as a community, to unite our actions, intentions, and emotions in glorifying God. It means transforming the ways we think, feel and act in order to praise the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

teaching from scripture

We believe that biblical teaching is the catalyst for transformation in an individual's life. Scripture is inspired by God, completely accurate and our authority regarding Christian beliefs and the guide for Christian living.
We value Scripture—the Bible—as the basis for understanding who God is and how to orient our lives fully around Him. You can expect that each Sunday morning will include practical teaching surrounding God's Word.

questions about grace church?

How long is the service?

Each service lasts for approximately 75 minutes. 

Is there childcare?

We provide free childcare for newborns up through children age 3yrs. After the worship time of our 10:30 Worship service, we do offer Children's Church for children age 4yrs through 1st grade. Children in Children's church will learn simple Bible lessons together as they play. 

How should I dress?

We are more concerned about you and your presence with us than we are with what you wear. Come as you are 

Will I be singled out?

No. We will not ask visitors to stand and be recognized, to give a testimony, to come to the front, or anything like that. 

What are the sermons like?

We preach the Bible. We believe that you’ll find, in the pages of the Bible, a more gripping story and a more satisfying explanation and solution to the troubles of life. 

have a question?
We'd love to hear from you.